Have you ever been on a walk with your Boston and they just laid down not willing to move an inch? If this has happened yet, it will. Bella does this to me anytime it is nice outside. It may not be a sign of overheating, but it is good to know the signs just in case.

What are the signs your Boston Terrier might be overheating?
Here are seven signs your Boston Terrier might be overheating: Excessive Panting, Increased Heart Rate, Excessive Drooling, Deep Labored Breathing, Weakness or Disorientation, Vomiting or Diaherra, Collapse.
Overheating can be a severe issue for your dog, but it can be challenging to distinguish overheating from merely being tired. Here is a list of symptoms that could indicate your sweet Boston is overheating.
Excessive Panting
The most obvious sign that your Boston Terrier is overheated is excessive panting. How do you tell the difference between excessive panting and a healthy level of breathing? Simply put, the level of panting should accurately reflect the level of physical activity.
If your Boston just went on a 2 mile run with you, you can expect some heavy panting. However, if they display heavy breathing after a short time running around in the yard, it could be a sign of overheating.
Increased Heart Rate
When Boston Terriers become hot, their heart works overtime to pump blood around and get rid of that heat trapped in the body. So if your dog’s heart is rapidly beating after a minimal amount of physical activity, it could be a sign their body is overheating.
According to VetStreet a small dogs heart rate should be in a healthy range of 100 to 140 beats per minute. If your Boston’s heart rate is over this normal range for an extended period, you may want to seek medical advice. And this may indicate heat exhaustion.
Excessive Saliva/Drool
When dogs are stimulated, their brain sends a message to salivary glands to stimulate saliva production. The problem is that dog brains do not distinguish kinds of stimuli, and so they can produce excessive saliva for several reasons. If your dog is drooling more than usual on a hot day or their saliva is thick and ropey, then it could be they are overheating.
Deep Labored Breathing
We’ve already established that excessive panting could be a sign of overheating. If this panting switches to deep heavy breathing, that is a sign that your dog is overheating and struggling to circulate air to release heat.
Just like in humans, heat exhaustion in dogs can cause physical weakness and disorientation. Common signs of weakness in dogs are difficulty walking, sitting down, or raising its head. If your dog is disoriented, they may walk in a wobbly line or run into things while walking.
Extreme heat exhaustion can manifest in gastrointestinal distress, which causes vomiting and diarrhea, which might have traces of blood.
In extreme cases, overheating can cause neurological problems and can make your dog collapse and exhibit convulsions and seizures. If it gets to this point, then the overheating is severe, and you should immediately take your dog to a veterinarian.
Tips On How To Keep Your Boston Terrier from Overheating
It should go without saying that heat exhaustion is terrible for your dog. It can ruin their immune system, cause neurological problems, and cause heart and blood pressure problems. One way to avoid overheating is to just keep your dog indoors on hot days.
Of course, this may make your Boston sad when it’s a beautiful day, and they wish to explore the outdoors. So, here are some tips on how to keep your Boston Terrier from overheating on hot days.
Keep an eye on your dog while it is out on a hot day. If you start to notice any signs of potential overheating, take them inside immediately.
Walking Surfaces
Stay off pavement and asphalt. Concrete and asphalt readily absorb heat and prolonged walking on such a surface can increase the chance of overheating. Hot surfaces can also hurt your dog’s paws.
Water Source
While outside, keep a bottle or some source of water on your person. If your dog refuses to drink, lightly moisten their tongue with some water. Do NOT try to force your dog to drink; they could inhale water and choke if forced to drink. Forcing them to drink can also make them vomit, making any dehydration worse.
Moist Towel
After playing outside on a hot day, place a cool, wet towel on the back of your dog’s neck, under its arms, or between its legs. The towel keeps them cool by absorbing any excess heat.
Plan Breaks
Try to get them to take frequent breaks while playing outside. You could give them some water, or keep them in a shaded area.
Consider using a rectal thermometer to take your dog’s temperature if you think it is overheated. According to VetStreet, a dog’s internal temperature should be between 100 – 102.5 degrees. If it is lower or higher, be sure to contact your vet immediately.
Final thoughts…
Boston Terriers make an excellent pet for people of all stripes. Their courteous and amicable demeanor makes them great companions and great housepets. Because Boston terriers are so full of energy, overheating on hot days is a serious issue that you need to take steps to prevent.
Again, if any of these symptoms progress to extreme levels, immediately take your dog to the vet. Otherwise, these tips and signs will help you keep your dog cool during the hot summer months.