If you are looking to get a Boston Terrier or you own a Boston, this post is for you. In it, we highlight the gross things you can expect from a Boston Terrier.
I recently asked the Boston Terrier Society’s Facebook Group, What disgusting things does your Boston Terrier do that grosses you out?

The response was overwhelming, with hundreds chipping in.
Here are the results…
10 Gross Things A Boston Terrier Will Do
Here are some common and not so common things a Boston will do to gross you out.
1) Eat Their Own Poop
Yes, a Boston Terrier will eat its own poop. I was glad to hear that I wasn’t the only one who had a dog that would do this.
Bella really only eats her own poop if we leave her home alone for too long.
If you want to avoid having your Boston eat their own poop, be sure to take them for a long walk before you leave them for the day.
This long walk of 15-30 minutes will help relax them as well as cleans their body if you know what I mean.
Why do Boston Terriers eat their own poop? Read this article, The Stink On Why Bostons Eat Their Poop.
2) Eating A Used Kleenex
This came up a couple of times in the group. Boston’s will eat kleenexes as well as toilet paper.
To avoid this, be sure to pick up these items if you have them lying around the house.
Also, be sure to keep your trashcan in a secure area.
3) Throws Up And Tries To Re-Eat It
Several people mentioned there Boston will throw up and try to re-eat it. I totally agree.
If Bella throws up, you must remove her from the situation immediately, or she will start licking it up as soon as she is done throwing up.
4) Farts
Boston Terrier farts can literally clear a room. The best way to avoid these farts is to make sure you are exercising your Boston and avoid human foods.
Read more about how to stop your Boston Terrier from farting.
5) Eating Trash
Whether it is bathroom trash or the trashcan in the kitchen, a Boston would love to get into it.
From my personal experience, Bella only gets into the trash on rare occasions. I just try to keep ou trashcans out of reach to not tempt her.
Does your Boston follow you everywhere? Here are 13 Reasons Why Your Boston Follows You!
Check out this video when Bella destroyed our house with trash!
6) Will Eat Used Underwear
Yes, a Boston will eat used underwear…its disgusting, so be sure to pick them up lol.
And when I say eat, I mainly mean lick (I have to go throw up now).
7) Drags Booty Across The Floor
I number of people mentioned this in the Boston Terrier Society’s Group. However, Emily and I have never experienced this with Bella.
According to Pet Helpful, a dog drags their booty across the floor for these seven reasons:
- Anal Gland Issues
- Allergies
- Diarrhea
- Dingleberries
- Parasites
- Trouble “down below.”
- Behavioral Issues
Basically, your Boston could be doing this for a whole number of reasons.
8) Eats Cat Poop
Luckily Emily and I do not have a cat. If you have a cat, be sure to put its litter box out of reach from your Boston.
9) Licks You When You’re Sweating
This is my Boston’s favorite thing to do after I workout. Bella really enjoys licking me when I get done running in because that is when I sweat the most.
My guess is it is her way to get her salt intake for the day. I’m basically her salt block.
10) Pull Poop Out Of Their Butts
This is the absolute grossest thing Bella does. While she doesn’t intentionally do it, it is gross. Sometimes we have to pull Bella’s poop out of her butt.
This happens for two main reasons.
1) She ate a long hair of Emily’s.
2) Bella ate some trash, and it needs to be pulled out (like a paper towel).
I have not figured out a way to avoid this other than vacuuming daily to pick up long hairs around the house. Plus, ensuring your Boston can not eat trash.
Final thoughts…
While Boston Terriers can be gross at times, it never stops us from loving them.
If you are reading this to decide is a Boston Terrier is right for you, don’t let this article deter you.
All dogs are going to do some really gross things, you need to choose a breed based on their temperament and energy level, not random gross stuff they’ll do from time to time.
The cuteness out weights the grossness!