If you are reading this chances are you are either contemplating buying or have bought a Boston Terrier. You made a great decision. Boston's are loving animals. I hope you like cuddles and...
Archives: Blog
You are making the best decision on buying a new baby Boston. Boston's love to play and be around their owners. If you are not playing tug-a-war in the living room, your Boston will be snuggled...
Ever wonder how many hours a Boston Terrier needs to sleep? When I first bought Bella as a 6-week old puppy, I was worried. I thought she was sick because of the amount of sleep she was getting a...
How Much Do Boston Terriers Cost? Chart & Where To Find Them
Are you looking to buy a Boston Terrier, but unsure what it will cost you? When I bought Bella, a purebred Boston Terrier, back in 2009 we were able to get her from a breeder for $350.00 in...
I have come across a lot of dog owners no matter the bread who have said their animal is good with kids. Which is true, if you introduce your dog to a new child, I believe any animal can be great...
Are you about to buy a Boston Baby or have one already and want to know if your new little pup will be a cuddler? After owning a Boston Baby for over a decade and talking with other Boston...