Are you looking to adopt a Boston Terrier from a rescue in Oklahoma? Here are the rescues operating in Oklahoma, as well as their process for adoption and cost.
Let’s get started…

Boston Terrier Rescues In Oklahoma
Currently, there is only one Boston Terrier rescue operating in Oklahoma. Be sure to scroll to the bottom of this article to see my interview with Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue. In this interview, you’ll learn what to expect when adopting from a rescue.
Boston Terrier & Short Nose Rescue Of Oklahoma
After losing their beloved Boston Terrier, Madison, to bladder cancer, the Boston Terrier Rescue of Oklahoma was founded. The rescue’s primary goal is to save as many Boston Terriers and other short-nosed dogs, like Pugs and French Bulldogs, as possible.
They are comprised entirely of volunteers passionate about the breed!
Cost Of Adoption
The cost varies per Boston Terrier and is not strictly based on age.
Boston Terriers cost around $200 to $450 to adopt and are already vet checked.
How To Adopt From This Rescue
The Boston Terrier & Short Nose Rescue in Oklahoma recommends checking out their available Boston Terriers before submitting your application. To adopt, you must fill out the adoption application here.
The Boston Terrier & Short Nose Rescue of Oklahoma has a fast turnaround time with applications. If your references check out, a home visit is required. If approved, your Boston Terrier must be picked up within one week.
Where Is This Rescue Located
Address: Muskogee, OK 74401
Contact Information For This Rescue
Reach out via Facebook:
Learn More About Adopting From A Boston Terrier Rescue
If you are curious about adopting a Boston Terrier from a rescue, listen to this podcast episode from the Boston Terrier Society.
I enjoyed talking with Tara, the Vice President of the Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue out of Jackson, Tennessee.
In this episode of the podcast, Tara talks about the steps you will need to take when adopting a Boston Terrier from her rescue.
Even if you are not getting a Boston from her rescue, the steps will be similar across the country.
If you want to learn more about the health issues and avoid being scammed when getting a Boston Terrier, How To Find Your First Boston Terrier Course created by Boston Terrier Society is right for you!
Final Thoughts…
Adopting a Boston Terrier in need of a home is one of the most amazing things you could do for an animal. While the process may seem tedious at first, it is well worth the wait.
The rescues are going to be with you every step of the way in this process. And the rescues are there to help you after the adoption, answering any questions you may have.