12 Tips On Stopping An Aggressive Boston Terrier!

Boston Terriers are not known for being an aggressive breed. But if your Boston Terrier is constantly showing aggressive behavior, its time to correct this problem.

In this blog post, we will give you nine tips on how to stop an aggressive Boston Terrier!

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Bella staring me down!

Boston Terrier Aggressive Behavior And What To Do About It!

First, let’s answer the question are Boston Terriers aggressive? In general, no. A survey conducted on the Boston Terrier Society’s Twitter community shows that over 80% of respondents say their Boston is not aggressive.

Here is the result from our Twitter poll:

However, we know each individual Boston can be different. And this is why we created a resource for you down below.

What does aggressive behavior in Boston Terriers look like?

Here are five signs of aggressive behavior in your Boston.

-Growling or snarling

One of the most obvious signs of aggressive behavior in dogs is growling or snarling. This is usually a sign that the dog is feeling threatened and is trying to warn you or another animal to back off.

-Baring teeth

Baring teeth is another common sign of aggression in dogs. This is often accompanied by growling or snarling, and can be a very intimidating gesture.

-Hackles up

When a dog’s hackles (the hair on their back) stand up, it’s usually a sign that they are feeling threatened or aggressive. This is often seen in dogs who are about to fight or attack.

-Stiff body posture

Another sign of aggression in dogs is stiff body posture. This means that the dog’s body will be tense and they may have their tail held high or their ears flattened against their head.

-Lunging or snapping

Lunging or snapping at someone or something is a very clear sign of aggression in dogs. This should never be tolerated, as it could lead to serious injury or even death.

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12 Tips On How To Stop An Aggressive Boston Terrier

Here are some tips on how to stop your Boston’s confrontational conduct.

1. Understand the root of the problem.

The first step to stopping your Boston’s aggression is to understand what is causing it. There are many different reasons why a Boston may be aggressive, such as fear, insecurity, territoriality, possessiveness, or even just excitement or frustration. Once you understand what is causing your Boston to be aggressive, you can begin to work on addressing the issue.

2. Correct him when he displays aggressive behavior.

Whenever your Boston Terrier displays aggressive behavior, you need to correct him immediately. Do not let him get away with it, or he will continue to behave aggressively.

3. Start with basic obedience commands.

If your Boston Terrier is aggressive, it may be because he is trying to dominate you. One way to assert your dominance is to start training him with basic obedience commands. Once he obeys your commands, he will know that you are the leader and will be less likely to try and dominate you.

Learn the ten basic commands you can start teaching to your Boston today: 10 Basic Commands To Teach Your Boston.

4. Be firm but gentle when correcting your Boston Terrier.

You need to be firm but gentle when correcting your Boston Terrier so that he understands that you are not happy with his behavior but that you still love him. Yelling or hitting your dog is not going to help and will only make the problem worse.

Boston Terrier: Ultimate Guide To Socializing them.
A Boston Terrier being social lol

5. Socialize Your Boston Terrier

One of the best ways to stop a dog’s aggression is to socialize them from an early age. This means exposing them to different people, animals, and situations so that they can learn to cope with new experiences. Socialization will help your dog to feel less anxious and stressed in new situations, which can help to reduce their aggression.

Learn how to socialize your Boston in this article: Ultimate Guide To Socializing A Boston Terrier.

6. Provide Mental Stimulation

Another way to reduce your Boston’s aggression is to provide them with mental stimulation. This can be done through activities such as obedience training, puzzle toys, and scent games. Mental stimulation will help to keep your dog’s mind active and engaged, which can help to reduce their stress levels and prevent boredom-related aggression.

Here is a great video down below of some mental stimulation toys for your Boston Terrier!

7. Avoid punishment.

Punishing your Boston for being aggressive will only make the problem worse. Not only will it not address the underlying cause of the aggression, but it could also make your Boston more anxious and stressed, which could lead to even more aggression.

8. Use positive reinforcement.

Instead of punishing your Boston Terrier for being aggressive, use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behavior. This means rewarding your dog when he or she acts in a way that you want, such as being calm and relaxed around people or other dogs. Over time, this will help to change your dog’s behavior from being aggressive to being more desirable.

9. Be patient.

Changing a Boston’s behavior takes time and patience, so don’t expect overnight results. Be consistent with your training and rewards, and eventually, you will see a change in your dog’s behavior.

10. Exercise your Boston Terrier regularly.

Regular exercise can help to reduce aggressive behaviors in Boston Terriers, as it can help to relieve some of their pent-up energy and stress. Make sure your Boston Terrier has enough physical activity throughout the day, such as walks or trips to the dog park.

Here are some exercises you can do with your Boston:

11. Be consistent with rewards and commands.

Be consistent with your rewards and commands when training your Boston Terrier not to be aggressive. This will ensure that your Boston understands what you want from him or her, and will make it easier for them to learn the desired behavior over time.

12. Get professional help.

If you are having trouble stopping your dog’s aggression on your own, it may be best to seek out professional help from a qualified animal behaviorist or trainer. They will be able to assess the situation and give you specific advice on how to best address your dog’s aggression.

There are online dog training resources like Dr. Dunbar’s Online Dog Training Academy. He has a course that focuses on nothing but a dog’s unwanted behavior. You can see it here: Dr. Dunbar’s Easy Way To Solve A Dog’s Behavior Problems.

What causes or triggers aggressive behavior in Boston Terriers?

There are many different reasons why a Boston Terrier may be aggressive, such as fear, insecurity, territoriality, possessiveness, or even just excitement or frustration.

Boston Terriers may become aggressive when they feel threatened or when they feel that their territory is being invaded.

They may also become possessive of their toys or food, and may become aggressive when someone tries to take them away.

Can an aggressive Boston Terrier be cured?

Yes, an aggressive Boston Terrier can be cured with time and patience. However, it is important to address the underlying cause of the aggression in order to achieve long-term results.

If you are having trouble addressing the aggression on your own, it may be best to seek out professional help.

What can I give my aggressive Boston Terrier to calm him down?

Some Boston Terriers may become aggressive when they feel anxious or stressed, so providing them with some calming aids may help to reduce their aggression. Before giving any of these supplements to your Boston be sure to speak with your veterinarian first.

Here are some options that may be able to help:

– Calming supplements – See this variety of calming supplements on Amazon.

– Herbal remedies such as chamomile or lavender: Check out this easy spray bottle.

– CBD oil – check out these CBD oil options on Amazon.

Will getting my Boston Terrier fixed help with aggression?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the aggression in Boston Terriers may be caused by many different factors. However, in some cases, neutering or spaying “may” help to reduce aggressive behavior.

It might be good to watch this interview I did with Dr. Addie Reinhard. I ask her this question, will neutering my Boston Terrier stop aggression? The whole interview is worth watching if you are considering neutering your Boston.

Why does my Boston Terrier bite me?

There could be a number of reasons why your Boston Terrier is biting you, such as fear, aggression, excitement, or frustration. Boston Terriers may become agitated and bite when they feel threatened or when their territory is being invaded. They may also become possessive of their toys or food, and may bite when someone tries to take them away.

If you are experiencing frequent bites from your Boston Terrier, it is important to seek out professional help in order to determine the underlying cause of the behavior. Boston Terriers can be cured of their aggressive behavior with time and patience, but it is important to address the root cause of the problem in order to achieve long-term results.

Tips On Finding A Great Dog Trainer To Help With Your Boston’s Aggression

If your Boston Terrier is aggressive, it’s important to find a qualified dog trainer to help correct the behavior. Here are seven tips on finding a great dog trainer:

1. Ask your veterinarian for a referral.

2. Check with the Boston Terrier Rescue Network or other Boston Terrier clubs in your area.

3. Do an online search for “dog training Boston.”

4. Contact the American Kennel Club or the Dog Trainer’s Association of America for a list of qualified trainers in your area.

5. Get recommendations from friends and neighbors who have had good experiences with dog trainers.

6. Interview several potential trainers before making a decision.

7. Ask questions about the trainer’s methods and experience working with Boston Terriers.

Final Thoughts…

By following these tips, you should be able to stop an aggressive Boston Terrier in no time. Boston Terriers are loyal and loving dogs, so it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure they stay that way.

With patience and consistency, you can help your Boston Terrier become a well-behaved and happy pup!

If you want guidance through virtual online dog training, visit Dr. Dunbar’s virtual Dog Training Academy. This is the perfect remedy to help you correct your Boston’s unwanted behavior problems.

Donnie Gardner

Donnie Gardner is the owner of the Boston Terrier Society. He has been raising Bella the Boston since 2010. He resides in Kansas with his wife, daughter, and Bella. His favorite activities are hanging out with family, traveling, running (but has bad knees), and reading non-fiction books.

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