(07/04/2011 – 07/12/2019)
By: Chris Jones Seattle Washington
Losing A Boston Terrier is just like losing a part of you or a family member. Today Chris talks about the life of Woody. Woody had passed away six months after her Boston Arlo had passed, Arlo’s Memorial.
If you would like to create a memorial, you can here:
In Memory Of Woody Guthrie The Boston Terrier
The Adoption Of Woody
We adopted our Boston “Woody” from Western Washington Boston Terrier Rescue. I volunteered with them fostering.
I had purchased a Boston for my husband, who grew up with Boston Terriers. He was always suggesting our next dog we should get a Boston. To me, I thought any dog less than 65 pounds a football, my bad.
I grew up with Golden Retrievers, so we always adopted rescue Goldens. I gave in to my husband, and for his 65 birthday said, let’s get you your Boston.
The puppy came later and unexpectedly.
I got involved in rescue and one day 18-month-old “Jagermeister,” renamed Woody, was surrendered there.
Woody was sent to us by a young Navy family whose husband was being deployed, and the wife was pregnant and had a two-year-old.
I immediately knew I was adopting him, and his big brother Arlo would have a friend.
How Arlo Handeled The New Addition
As it turned out, Arlo preferred to be an only child lol. Arlo was fine with short term fosters, but when Woody moved in, he wasn’t pleased.
They did fine together, but Arlo never bonded, but not for lack of Woody trying… “Jagermeister,” renamed Woody (you can’t have an Arlo Guthrie without a Woody).
Woody was fine with the relationship but made his presence as a family member known.
My Woody was a sweet-natured gentleman. I remember bringing him home and sitting in the car, thinking, what have I done bringing another male into another male’s house he’s going to be lifting his leg on everything.
But Woody didn’t lift his leg on anything. Woody was the most respectful, intuitive well-mannered boy. He was well-mannered because of any previous training he just picked up the role of our pack, he did exactly what his older brother did.

Quickly Joining The Pack
When Woody first arrived, he was a barker, but three days later, he stopped. We don’t bark in our pack and quickly learned the no-bark command.
Swimming In The Lake
Woody loved swimming in the lake we lived on.
I purchased him a doggy life vest after I was forced to swim out in a frigid, early spring lake. Woody had swum out after ducks and didn’t hear or acknowledged me calling him.
Oh How Woody Loved Blankies
Woody loved his blankies. We called him our little burrito. He snored like a drunken sailor to the point of my removing him from our bed because I couldn’t fall asleep.
We would laugh, listening to him in another room, shaking the windows.
He had rhinoplasty surgery, and his elongated palate shortened, his breathing improved, but the snore not so much. He did take a lot of selfies after his nose healed. He was a little vain.
He requested a selfie stick that Christmas.
Woody The Rolemodel And Encourager
I fostered a 300-gram (½ pound) cleft palate puppy. This little puppy was surrendered to our rescue by hobby breeders because they were advised by a Veterinarian to euthanize it.
Luckily, our rescue took him in, and I brought him home ( I’m a Veterinarian). I tube fed him every two hours around the clock for days and days almost losing him, but the tenacious Boston spirit pulled him through.
Woody was his role model and mentor, and I have videos of him playing with baby Leo (Leo the lionhearted), the patience and gentleness were awesome to watch.
Leo stayed with us for 5 months until he weighted enough and could tolerate surgery to repair his cleft palate.
Eventually, Leo was adopted by a lovely couple in Idaho, and we keep in touch.
The Diagnosis
Woody was diagnosed with a very aggressive thyroid tumor out of the blue, one day nothing the next day a massive lump on his neck.
I knew before the MRI, the news would be bad.
I opted for comfort care when it came time.
Woody was not even aware it was there and lived like the king he was for the next 6 months.
All this was happening when, unexpectedly, Arlo was diagnosed with glioma and was euthanized within 6 days.
The seizures were uncontrollable. And Arlo deserved better.
I recently posted Arlo’s memorial tribute.
Woody’s Final Six Months
I believe Woody stayed those six months to help me get through the loss of Arlo. And when Woody was sure I was strong enough, my little burrito said adios.
Those six months were his swan song, he was pain-free and unaware of the huge tumor growing on his neck.
I did tumor measurements and a lung CT scan that showed Mets, but he was unstoppable.

We took a final 4th of July trip to the Sierra Nevada mountains to celebrate his 7th birthday. I believe Woody thought we were back in Washington State hiking in the Cascades that we all loved.
Shortly, actually, days after returning to Sacramento, he confided in me that he was ready to join his brother Arlo in the big pack.
I let him peacefully, pain-free to the end, cross the rainbow bridge.
I know Arlo and his dad were waiting on him.
I miss that little man as much or maybe more than faithful bossy Arlo.
Today I’m Sharing My Heart With Waylon J
Sorry if this was too long, but can the story of a dog’s life ever be too long.
I am currently sharing my heart with a 9-month-old male Boston puppy named “Waylon J” ( he’s a country boy).
I took a six-week trip home to Canada after Woody passed. Coming home to an empty house had my heart hurting, and I soon found myself on a road trip to Los Angeles, returning with a 9-week old puppy.
Losing a Boston Terrier is like losing a member of the family. The sorrow you feel is a natural process of grieving.
This space has been created as a safe place for Boston owners to share stories about their Boston and memorialize them since going to doggy heaven.
Create your own memorial to celebrate the life of your Boston Terrier.
The resources for grief page includes three helpful videos as well as links to great articles outside of this website covering pet loss.