Are you looking to adopt a Boston Terrier from a rescue in Connecticut? Here are the rescues operating in Connecticut, as well as their process for adoption and cost.
Let’s get started…

Boston Terrier Rescues In Connecticut
Want to see all the Boston Terrier Rescues in the United States? Here is the complete list of Boston Rescues in the U.S. & Canada.

The Boston Terrier Club Of Connecticut
Founded in 1931, the Boston Terrier Club of Connecticut is passionate about promoting ethical breeding of Boston Terriers. They also heavily promote the Boston Terrier Club of America’s Boston Terrier Breed Standards, which the American Kennel Club also uses.
The Boston Terrier Club of Connecticut works hard to obey the American Kennel Club regulations and promote the furtherment of the breed.
Cost Of Adoption
There is a $300 mandatory donation at the time of adoption to offset the cost of rescuing Boston Terriers.
Watch this playlist on YouTube to learn more about rescuing a Boston Terrier! This 6 video series will help you learn what you need to know, Boston Terrier Rescues 101.
How To Adopt From This Rescue
To adopt from the Boston Terrier Club of Connecticut, fill out their adoption form here.
The Boston Terrier Club of Connecticut looks for families that are knowledgeable, financially able to care for a Boston Terrier, and willing to work with any medical or behavioral issues that the rescue dog may have.
Where Is This Rescue Located
Contact Information For This Rescue
Learn More About Adopting From A Boston Terrier Rescue
If you are curious about adopting a Boston Terrier from a rescue, listen to this podcast episode from the Boston Terrier Society.
I enjoyed talking with Tara, the Vice President of the Southern Cross Boston Terrier Rescue out of Jackson, Tennessee.
In this episode of the podcast, Tara talks about the steps you will need to take when adopting a Boston Terrier from her rescue.
Even if you are not getting a Boston from her rescue, the steps will be similar across the country.
Final Thoughts…
Adopting a Boston Terrier in need of a home is one of the most amazing things you could do for an animal. While the process may seem tedious at first, it is well worth the wait.
The rescues are going to be with you every step of the way in this process. And the rescues are there to help you after the adoption, answering any questions you may have.